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Lymphatic SystemBreast


The Blood Whether life was born on earth or was seeded on it from extraterrestrial sources is a matter for debate amongst the evolutionist . But amongst them is unanimity on the opinion that life evolved from unicellular organism to man & it migrated from oceans to the land . The unicellular organisms surrounded by the oceans once , entrapped it within them as they evolved in the multi-cellular form. The primitive marine water underwent profound modifications to be transformed into what we now call " The Blood".

The blood can be regarded as a specialized connective tissue , consisting of liquid intercellular substance, the plasma & the cellular elements or the formed elements. The plasma constitutes about 55 % & the cells about 45 % of the total blood volume. The composition of the whole can be summarized as follows :-

1. The Cells or corpuscles
  • The red blood corpuscles or the erythrocytes(R.B.C.)
  • The white blood corpuscles or the leukocytes (W.B.C.)
  • The platelets or the thrombocytes

2.The plasma

  • Water- 91 to 92 percent
  • Solids- 8 to 9 percent
i) Inorganic Constituents 0.9 percent.
ii) Organic Constituents:

(a) Proteins-7.5G percent-serum albumin,serum globulin,fibrinogen,prothrombin

(b) Non-protein-Nittrogenous Substances(NPN)25 to 35 mg percent Urea,uric acid,xanthine,hypoxanthine,creatinine,creatine,ammonia, ammino acids etc.

(c) Fats-Cholesterol-150-250 mg.percent Triglycerids-40-145mg percent.

(d) Carbohydrates-sugar Fasting(F) 80 to 120 mg percent Post prandial(PP)120 mg percent (2 hrs after food)

(e) Bile Pigments-Serumbilirubin

(f) Enzymes

(a) Immunoglobulins

(b) Hormones-of Pituotary, thyroid, thymus, suprarenal glands & sex hormones

The blood is a opaque viscous,thick,sticky liquid,It is red in colour.It is faintly alkalinein reaction (PH 7.4)Its specific gravity is 1.055.Biochemically it is a colloidal solution in which are suspended the formed elements.When collectedin a test tube & kept standing for a short while its clots.The formed elements are entangled in the clot & yellow colored plasma separates a top the clot.
The Red Blood Corpuscles (Erythrocytes)-/Red Blood Cells (R.B.C.S .)-
As the name suggests these cells are red in color.They are circular in shape.They have no nucleus.Hence technically they are 'ghost cells.When viewed from side they appear biconcave;but when viewed from front they are discoid.They are thinner in the center & thick towards the periphery.They contain a Pigment haemoglobin(hb) which is red in color.The haemoglobin imparts red color not only to the R.B.C.S . but to the blood too.
The White Blood Corpuscles (Leukocytes)-/White Blood Cells (W.B.C.s . )-
They are not 'white' but are colorless.To view them,it is necessary to stain them with a dye.They are nucleated cells.They exhibit movements like an amoeba . They move on their own irrespective of the flow of the blood .There are five types of W.B.C.s

1. Neutrophils :- Also called as granulocytes because they contain enzyme - filled granules . They are of two types:

a) in mature or band neutrophils
b) mature or segmented neutrophils. Their nucleus has many lobes. The cytoplasm takes neutral stain.

2. Lymphocytes :- They do not contain granules. Some of them are large & some small in size.They are of two types:

a) 'T ' lymphocytes
b) 'B' lymphocytes
3. Eosinophils :- They contain coarse granules . They are stained with acid dyes like eosin. Their nucleus has two lobes.
4. Basophils :- Their cytoplasm contains granules of various sizes. They take deep basic stain.Their nucleus is lobed.
5. Monoccctes :-They have single lobe. They are not granulated.
The Platelets (Thrombocytes ) :- They resemble particles. They are smaller than R.B.C. &W.B.C.s . They do not have definite form. They gather at the site of bleeding or at rough surface in the blood vessles. In the main stream they move freely but at roughened sites they become sticky.

1. Transportation of respiratory gases:-

The R.B.C.s are filled with haemoglobin ( Hb) which enables them to carry oxygen O2 from lungs and deliver it to all body tissues. The tissue cells consume this oxygen to provide energy to them liberate carbon dioxide (CO2 ) as a waste product. The Hb forms loose complex with CO2 , carries CO2 from the tissues and transports it back to the lungs. The blood helps the lungs in their respiratory function.

2. Body Defense :-

The white blood cells (W. B. C. s) form the great defensive force of the body.By their amoeboid movements (throwing pseudopodia , the false limbs) the W. B. C. s engulf the bacteria ( phagocytosis). The W. B. C. s also develop chemical substances known as antibodies to destroy the bacteria and to combat certain toxic agents . In acute bacterial and fungal infections the neutrophils bear the first brunt . They devour the infecting agents and ingest the foreign debris. The "T" lymphocytes come into action against viral infection . They also can detect and destroy some cancer cells . The "B" lymphocytes develop into special type of cells , the plasma cells which produce antibodies . The monocytes ingest dead or damaged cells. They also provide the immunologic defenses against many infective organisms. The eosinophils come into action to combat allergies. They also try to kill certain parasites and cancer cells . The basophils participate in allergic responses and in lead poisoning .

3. Arrest Hemorrhage ( Bleeding) :-

The platelets or the thrombocytes protect the body against hemorrhage . They gather at the site of bleeding, become sticky and seal the small capillaries and the larger blood-vessels. At the same time they release a substance that helps clotting.

4. Transport of Nutrition :-

It carries various nutrient materials to the tissues .

a) carries digested food material absorbed from the intestines to the cells.

b) carries stored food materials from the storage depots to the cells in conditions like starvation and emergency extra nutritional requirement.

5. Acts as a Vehicle :-

The blood acts as a vehicle through which the hormones and other essential chemicals are transported to the places of their activity.

6. Drainage of Waste-products :-

It carries waste-products of cellular activity and reaches them to the organs of excretion like the kidneys.

7. It takes part in maintenance of water balance of the body.

8. It plays an important role in the regulation of the body temperature.

9. It plays an important role in the maintenance of the acid - base equilibrium of the body.

10. With the help of the reservoirs of the blood like the spleen , muscles etc. it participates in the regulation the blood pressure.

The hemoglobin is the coloring substance of the R.B.C.s and hence indirectly that of the blood . It is a colored protein ( chromoprotein). It is made of two factions (a) hem- the coloring substance containing iron, and (b) the globin-the protein part. The iron forms the central core which is surrounded by four porphyrin rings . As the protein is attached to the metal, it is known as metalloprotein .Almost 80% of the body iron is found in the hemoglobin . It is a very molecule . On isolation it can be crystallized . It forms loose chemical compounds with oxygen and carbon-di-oxide forming oxyhemoglobin and carboxyhemoglobin respectively.This property enables the blood to carry oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues and transport carbon-di-oxide from the tissues to the lungs.

2001-2003© Dr.Hemant Vinze.