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In the males the breast remains dormant, inactive, and functionless throughout the life. In the females, this the story only up to the puberty. Because of the hormonal internal environment, in the females, the breast undergoes various changes from the childhood to menopause and after. The real development of the breasts even in the females begins not in the childhood but in the adolescence. The startled look, the causeless smile to herself either in company or in solitude, the bashful malar flush are the signs of approaching threshold, the menarche. It metamorphoses or transforms the blooming childhood into innocent virginity. After the menarche, as the females begin regular menstrual cycle, the parallel and proportionate growth occurs in the breast tissue. Like the bud, by opening petal after petal transforming into a full-blown flower; the breast under the influence of hormones, by opening acinus after acinus is transformed into well developed anatomical structure. During each menstrual cycle various changes take place in the mammary tissue. They occur in the second half of the menstrual cycle. In this phase the acini open out, the fibrofatty tissue is deposited around them, the blood supply increases. The breast thus increases in size, it becomes warm, painful and tender. The pigment melanin is deposited in the areola and nipple. They therefore assume a light pink hue. The nipple becomes more and more prominent and protrudes well above the areola. It becomes more and more active and erectile. The pregnancy is transformation of vigorous youth and innocent virginity into affectionate motherhood. The females exhibit signs of warm welcome to a wanted newcomer in the family. The first perception of the warmth is in their bosom. The first change that occurs is increased vascularity of the breast; increasing the warmth and flush over the skin. The size of the breast increases. The glandular structures increase in size and number. In the first trimester the areola and nipple show dark pigmentation due to the deposition of the excess amount of melanin. The pink hue of the virgin's areola and nipple then changes to permanent brown coloration of these structures. This fact is of medico-legal importance. The sebaceous glands on the areola increase in size. They are now known as Montgomery tubercles. The nipple may be retracted and cracked. These changes are prerequisites for the lactation. After the delivery, the breast enters the phase of lactation. During this phase the nipple enlarges in size and protrudes well in front of the areola. It is kept moist and well lubricated by the secretion of the sebaceous glands. The openings of the lactiferous ducts on the nipple widen. Under the influence of the hormone prolactin secreted by the anterior pituitary gland, the secretion of the milk from the breast increases. The milk synthesis is more or less a continuous process. During the suckling the discharge of the milk is continuous and continues till the lactiferous glands are completely empty. At or after weaning the child from breast-feeding, the changes induced in the breast during pregnancy and lactation are expected to revert. Though many changes do revert, the status quo ante of the breast is not attained. This is the precursor for many diseases of the breast in future to come! The menopause is hush in solitude in a woman's life! It indicates the dusk of womanhood. Like a withering tree, the anatomy and physiology of the breast show signs of withering. The acini atrophy, the glands shrink in size and may reduce in number, the fatty tissue shrivels. The breast as a whole then shrinks in size, becomes flabby and pendulous. The erectile power of the nipple diminishes, transforming the 'warmth' of the youth to the 'coldness' of the senescence!


2001-2003© Dr.Hemant Vinze.